Under this section we will discuss various factors like sleeping direction for Southern Hemisphere, Feng Shui Southern Hemisphere and how does Vastu effect house in the Southern Hemisphere. Certainty we will define how the impact of sun changes the energies and vibrations on site that includes Is Vastu applicable in Australia and likewise the next question “Is Vastu applicable in Southern Hemisphere? Often the question comes to the mind as “Is Vastu different in Southern Hemisphere or the sleeping direction for Southern Hemisphere. Dear viewers the answer is very simple but highly technical. sleeping position Vastu in Southern Hemisphere alters as compared to India but there are other sleeping directions also for South Hemisphere Vastu that defines the details about Southern Hemisphere direction to sleep.
When I was engaged last year as Vastu consultant in Sydney as Vastu expert, I narrated the client all the factors about Vastu for bedroom in Australia that was also the part of Vastu for Southern Hemisphere or Vastu in Southern Hemisphere. Then the client asked many queries about Vastu Shastra for Australia and his main emphasis was upon the residential Vastu for Southern Hemisphere so he did ask Vastu Shastra for house in Australia.
It was not difficult for me to explain scientific logics for Vastu Southern Hemisphere and then I gave him more than 50 Vastu tips for Southern Hemisphere. As Vastu consultants in Australia it becomes our responsibility to ensure Vastu Shastra for home in Southern Hemisphere including clarity in which direction should you sleep in Australia or which direction to sleep in Australia.
In all the cases when I advise on Commercial Vastu for Southern Hemisphere I have to define the Vastu tenets for commercial sites in Southern Hemisphere which differ from Indian Vedic Vastu Shastra tenets. So Vastu for office in Southern Hemisphere and Vastu advice for a shop, showroom or a hotel, or hospital etc. in Southern Hemisphere becomes challenging but very interesting subject. I understand that as the best Vastu consultant for Southern Hemisphere I should do the activities and advice with full interest. Dr Anand Bhardwaj is crazy to advice logically to each client. This is his biggest strength and greatness.
Dr. Anand Bhardwaj deals in super-fine Vastu consultancy services in which he considers and calculates each longitude, latitude, the local weather, zone, topography and anthropological values. Certainly, this is rare ability to be found in any newly immerged Vastu adviser. in this session we will take various topics like Vastu Consultant in Brazil because Brazil is located in the Southern Hemisphere and similarly the Vastu Consultant in Chile as these fall in South America. On the same edge we do work as Vastu Consultant in Uruguay that is no doubt in the S H. I have given advises to the clients in Argentina as the Vastu Consultant in Argentina and similarly Vastu Consultant in Colombia. Dr. Bhardwaj has advised many clients in Mauritius as the best Vastu Consultant in Mauritius.
One may find the traditional Vastu expert as Vastu Consultant in New Zealand but finding the top most Vastu and FengShui consultant in South Africa is slightly time consuming on internet. However, if a Vastu Consultant in South Africa applied the Vedic Vastu rules, it shall not be scientific but Dr. Anand Bhardwaj is a senior Vastu consultant working as online Vastu Consultant in Oceania. He is a chief Vastu expert in the noble profession of ages so as Vastu Consultant in New Guinea and Vastu Consultant in Fiji are the same on working for these two areas located in the Southern Hemisphere. However, when as the best Vastu Consultant in Melbourne and Vastu Consultant in Brisbane which are located in the Southern Hemisphere.
Important Vastu Tips to be followed in Southern Hemisphere are defined as the thumb rules to be followed by all whenever one wants the broad guidelines before buying a Lot or plot. Similarly, Special Vastu Tips for Southern Hemisphere be read carefully and carried out while a consultant is giving Vastu consultation of Vastu in Southern Hemisphere. In fact, rules and importance of Vastu for Southern Hemisphere is identical to the rules for entire parts of the world which are in the below portion of the equator. Southern Hemisphere Vastu may be understood by knowing the Vastu Tips defined already in this page. Vastu tips for home and Vastu tips for office are almost the same but only one factor may be different that is factor related to Gau-Mukha and Sher mukha plot in the Southern Hemisphere which are known as cow-headed and lion-headed plot or lot.
As the top most Vastu Consultant in Perth any one may claim that he knows Vastu for Southern Hemisphere but truly Vastu Consultant in Adelaide and also working as a senior and experienced Vastu Consultant in Gold Coast. The difference in the Vedic Vastu and the Vastu for Southern Hemisphere reflect in Vastu Consultant in Newcastle. Dr. Bhardwaj Anand has been working for many in Canberra and hence as Vastu Consultant in Canberra he has ability to define each Vastu factor with the help of science and logic. The above places him on the top of Vastu consultant and among the senior most Vastu advisers working as true Vastu guru for Southern Hemisphere. This is not a small thing. The all above are for online Vastu consultancy services also.